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The Harlem Sigmas

From Our President




This is the key word when I think of the past two years that I have taken the lead as Epsilon Sigma Chapter President. 


We have been virtual for the past two years and now as we start doing things
in-person it is important for us as SIGMA MEN to remember that we are not BUILT like the others, we do not MOVE like the others and we certainly do not SERVE like the others. 


Service is our calling card and as Harlem evolves post-pandemic, so will we. I am energized by the new goals to be set that align with our overall mission, the continued guidance of our seasoned brothers and the vigor of our neophytes. 


GOMAB and onward and upward as we head to Conclave 2023 - Houston 

Bro. Anthony Sanford, Chapter President

Contact Us

P.O. Box 5550 New York, NY 10027

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